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<blockquote><strong class="quote">M.M. Lee wrote:</strong><p>1. <strong><strong>Please note that COBKA is not involved in any related transactions and assumes no liability for any issues relating from such transactions or related discussions. </strong></strong>Do not extend payment to anyone you have not met in person.<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, WaWebKitSavedSpanIndex_0"> </font>Transactions are between users only, no third party provides a "guarantee". Never give out financial info (bank account, social security, paypal account, etc).<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, WaWebKitSavedSpanIndex_0"> </font>Do not purchase sight-unseen—that amazing "deal" may not exist.</p> <p>2. Forum courtesy: Please treat COBKA volunteers, fellow community members, and guests in this forum with courtesy and respect. Foul language and obscene images will not be tolerated. All forum posts must conform to a family-friendly standard and contributors must act accordingly. It is not appropriate to replace characters in a profane word to elude the built-in censoring filter, or forum moderation.<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, WaWebKitSavedSpanIndex_0"> </font>Personal attacks and inflammatory or antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to post criticism, please do so constructively. Generalized, vicious or veiled attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.</p> <p>3. Spam: Posting the same message, or an unsolicited commercial message is considered spamming and may result in a restriction on future forum posting privileges. Duplicate messages may be deleted or consolidated by our moderators. </p> <p>4. Any messages you post in these discussion forums will remain available to the public for as long as this discussion forum is online; please post carefully and with due consideration to the content of your post. An exception is if the post does not meet forum guidelines and is moderated. Moderated posts may be removed or edited by moderators or COBKA. In the unlikely event that we do edit your post and you do not like the changes, we can delete the message at your request.</p> <p>5. Abuse of this forum will not be tolerated.</p> <p><br></p></blockquote><br>
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