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Reply to: Used Equipment Tax Deductible Donation to Local Non-Profit
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P>Hello there, I have been working with Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch to advance their bee program. The end goal is to develop a program which provides at-risk youth and their families free opportunities to learn beekeeping skills and work with these wondrous creatures. </P> <P>We are in need of a variety of equipment to launch this program. I thought I would reach out to you all, in case you have extra used items sitting around that need a new home. At this time, our greatest need is for several 3-5 frame nucleus boxes as well as additional hive tools and protective suits. </P> <P>You can email me at rhanson@cpyr.org if you are interested in making a donation. Thanks!<BR></P> <P><EM><FONT style="font-size: 12px;">Crystal Peaks is a non-profit in Tumalo that has been pairing abused and neglected (rescued) horses with at-risk youth since 1995. Feel free to take a look at their website if you are interested in learning more. <A href="https://www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org/">https://www.crystalpeaksyouthranch.org/</A> All donations are tax deductible</FONT><FONT style="font-size: 10px;">. </FONT></EM></P> </blockquote><br>
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