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Reply to: Honeybees in south Deschutes County
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Tim Rubin wrote:</strong> <BLOCKQUOTE> <STRONG class="quote">Naomi Price wrote:</STRONG> <P>Tim: I don’t manage honey bees in your area, but I do experience all of your observations without Vector Control. The beekeeper friend in the Spring River area usually covered her hives with a bedsheet drenched with water during application times. Vector wasn’t always good about notification, but neighbors were best notifiers upon sight of seeing approaching fogging; not a great system for sure. </P> <P>Pollinators love cilantro and raspberry blossoms. The fact that you are seeing honey bees and other pollinators, tells you they are quite capable of living in south Deschutes. Do an internet search for Bees in Oregon to view excellent identifying bee photos.<BR></P> <P>Perhaps a good starter question is, “Why do I want to hive a colony of honey bees?” </P> </BLOCKQUOTE> <P> </P> <P><BR></P> <P>Thanks for the reply, Naomi.</P> <P>I am encouraged to find bees in the garden, even if they turn out to be some sort of miner or sweat bee. At least they're surviving here.</P> <P>I'm not 100% sure. According to this source they do appear to be honey bees, but I'd like to confirm . . . in case that's wishful thinking.</P> <P><A href="https://www.oregon.gov/oda/shared/Documents/Publications/IPPM/ODABeeGuide.pdf">https://www.oregon.gov/oda/shared/Documents/Publications/IPPM/ODABeeGuide.pdf</A></P> <P><BR></P> <P>I did contact the operator at vector control, and he told me they can call me when they plan to fog the area, so I can cover the hives. I'm concerned that wouldn't be enough, or I'd miss it, or the Permethrin on the plants would poison the bees.</P> <P>If you have a contact keeping bees in Spring River, I would love to contact them. Can email me at hoss.6@hotmail.com</P> <P><BR></P> <P>Best wish, TR</P> <P><BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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