Warre' Hives

  • 15 Jun 2015 8:40 AM
    Reply # 3387910 on 3379150
    Deleted user

    Thank you for the site. Because I'm not a member of Yahoo, could not access; however, found good info at http://www.beesource.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-270466.html. Will consider moving one bar from top if not too attached; this is second year of hive--they did well overwintering.

    I would enjoy meeting you and talking Warre hives. My email address is lborchers@gmail.com. Please contact me so we can make meeting arrangements.

    Last modified: 15 Jun 2015 9:01 AM | Deleted user
  • 14 Jun 2015 12:25 PM
    Reply # 3386075 on 3379150
    Clyde Dildine (Administrator)

    I too am a Warre' hive beekeeper.  I started last year but my hive did not survive.  This year I have captured two strong swarms and plan to split one of them for a total of three colonies.  There is a great Yahoo Group dedicated to Warre's that has a wealth of information on management of our unique hive.  Go to https://uk.groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/warrebeekeeping/conversations/messages and subscribe.  Then do a search on "false floor syndrome" for things others have tried to remedy your situation.  Would love to get together with you to share ideas/techniques.  Not many of us around.

  • 08 Jun 2015 8:07 AM
    Message # 3379150
    Deleted user

    I'm looking for conversation with others about Warre hives. I've had one here in Bend since last summer, 2014; it survived winter well and is strong. However, bees are not going down into the lower box to build comb and I'm wondering how to encourage that. Suggestions?


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