Nosema or dysentery

  • 22 Mar 2016 8:57 AM
    Reply # 3900225 on 3838036
    Deleted user

    Yes- I have ... Lost a hive to it.  :(

  • 01 Mar 2016 1:27 PM
    Reply # 3853841 on 3838036
    I haven't noticed any exterior evidence of nosema, but have not opened any hives yet either.  Have your (Christams Valley) hives had an extended period of low temperatures, 2-3 weeks or more where the bees couldn't get out?


  • 22 Feb 2016 9:47 PM
    Message # 3838036
    Allen Engle (Administrator)

    I had a question from a member about dysentery.  The bees are in Christmas Valley (higher than Bend) and had a somewhat colder winter than Bend.  They found their all of their hives badly stained on the outside with what sounded like Nosema (not just cleansing flight spotting).  Inside, they were healthy and thriving.  Her question was whether anyone else in the Central Oregon area had issues with Nosema or dysentery this year.



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