8 frame supplies

  • 20 Jul 2016 7:58 AM
    Reply # 4146148 on 4012186
    Deleted user

    Coastal does have 8 frame supplies. I buy stuff there all the time.

  • 11 May 2016 10:40 PM
    Reply # 4014632 on 4012186
    Deleted user

    I called them and they said only 10...I will have to look for myself

  • 11 May 2016 7:27 PM
    Reply # 4014481 on 4012186
    Deleted user

    Big R Now Coastal Ranch Supply has some 8 frame supplies.

  • 10 May 2016 10:34 AM
    Message # 4012186
    Deleted user

    Hey folks I'v been looking for 8 frame supers with no success.  I've called a few local vendors and the folks on the the suppliers list, but they only carry 10 frame supplies.  I bought an 8 frame hive box 6 years ago and just started using it this year, I now need a couple 8 frame supers.  Any leads would be useful.  Thanks

    Keith K.

    315 256 8558


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