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Reply to: Queen issues?
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P>First time keeping bees and I need help. I've been suspecting I've been having queen issues for a few weeks now and finally got time to check the hive today. Early May I bought a nuc and have done a good job checking the hive and seeing what's going on, as good as a newbie can. Hive checks revealed healthy pupa and pretty good patterns. I have yet to see a queen but figured I had an untrained eye and assumed she was there...... Fast forward a month and a half and I have a lot more bees but none have moved into new frames and I don't seem to see any newly closed cells, just bees cleaning cells, a few pupa and storing pollen. Should my hive have expended into new frames by now? And if the issue is my queen, how do I determine what type of queen to purchase (Italian it carniolan). Any help would be appreciated </P> </blockquote><br>
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