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Reply to: FlowHive and wintering bees
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Allen Engle wrote:</strong> <P>Marty,</P> <P>Congratulations on a strong hive.</P> <P>I'm not sure what your setup and plans are currently, so I'm assuming that you have an 8 frame hive body on the bottom, and a flowhive box on the top. What I'm not sure is whether you're wanting to harvest the honey from the flowhive box. If so, and you want to overwinter the colony, I'd recommend you remove the flow hive soon, and add a second hive body, or at a minimum a super for them to fill (probably take some feeding during Aug and Sept. My rule of thumb is a minimum of two hive bodies full of honey and bees to overwinter. Some folks do have success with less, however my feeling is more food is better and involves less extra feeding in winter and spring. If the flowhive box has a built in queen excluder, it won't work as overwintering food. The workers will move up into the box as the food in the lower box is depleted, leaving the queen to die in the lower box. It seems the reason it would have a built in queen excluder is that they are suggesting using it as a honey super instead of a hive body.</P> <P>Good Luck,</P> <P>Allen Engle</P> </blockquote><br>
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