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Reply to: Honey capped too soon
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P>I have a frame they built up a oval in the center of the frame about 2/3rds covered with comb about 1/3 as deep as it should be and filled with honey and sealed. Not sure whether to leave it, uncap it to encourage further building of cell walls or remove it for myself. Is this practice of young bees? I found the queen and she seems to be ok but maybe the sealed this be for she mb acted. She is a supersede queen I think. This hive also has a frame with lots of empty supercedure cups on one side of a different frame that has side ways comb built out on it. I opened up the cups and scraped off the sideways comb. I had heard that spraying new plastic foundation with 1:1 syrup with honey B Healthy would encourage comb building but it seems to have screwed up their direction for building it.<BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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