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Reply to: Early Honey Harvest?
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Dennis Gallagher wrote:</strong> <P>Ron, Sounds like you have happy bees! I started counting mites every four to six weeks last summer, and treating the ones that needed it, and not treating the ones that did not (MAQS). I have introduced some purchased queens last year and this that are supposed to be mite resistant either by VSH or maybe some other means. I also have tried to requeen those hives that have consistently high mite counts with the new queens. I did have some problems (myself and others who went in with me to purchase the queens)with those same queens failing-hives going queenless, perhaps they were not well mated- not enough sperm. So far they, and their daughters this year, have done a fairly good job of controlling mites in their colonies. I think harvesting at this time is fine if you have surplus. I have a few hives in the Willamette valley that I will bring back in a few weeks and they have some blackberry honey on them that I intend to harvest then. I wish I had a spot in central Oregon that produced a surplus in the spring, the best I can seem to do most of the time is build up hives (and swarms) to full strength just in time for a nectar dearth in mid to late June. Here's to a great mid to late summer nectar flow!<BR></P> <P>Dennis<BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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