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Reply to: Linden trees in bloom in Bend
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Dennis Gallagher wrote:</strong> <P>If you are thinking about planting a linden tree to provide forage for bees, you can get a good look at a bunch of linden trees in bloom in Bend along NE Purcell street around the west entrance to the Costco parking lot, and in the parking lot of the mall, in front of Safeway, and in front of Office Max. They have dark green foliage and light green to yellow small flowers and seeds. There are close to 100 trees in the area. My sources say they could be around 25 years old based on the age of the mall. Very pretty trees. There are several different types of lindens listed at various web sites. I'm not sure yet which type is along Purcell and in the the shopping mall at various places. The ones in the Costco mall area have relatively big leaves. Farther north along Purcell about 1/2 mile, along the street at Aspen Ridge Retirement Center there are more lindens. They appear to have smaller leaves, so may be a different variety. Both have just started blooming. <BR></P> <P>If you have hives in the area, you may get a big boost for a few weeks so put on a super! Linden honey is said to be very good. <BR></P> <P>This is a really good time for a good nectar source to be coming on. Not much else is blooming very strongly. So, consider a linden if you plan to plant a tree.</P> <P>Also, linden tree leaves are edible. Best if eaten when they are young. I've tried them right off the limb in the spring, not bad (Euell Gibbons was looking over my shoulder and smiling). If you know anything more about linden trees , or any other good nectar source for this time of year, feel free to add your comments.<BR></P> <P>Dennis <BR></P> </blockquote><br>
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