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Reply to: Hive loss
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Anonymous wrote:</strong> <P>How were the local hive losses this year? I filled out the PNW Survey. I treated for mites in the fall, took perhaps 10% loss at the time from the strips and the strong vapor, but the hive seemed strong afterward. I wrapped the hive well and left them all the honey (70 pounds at least). In Jan it was warm and bees were active so I did an inspection and had a solid layer of dead bees on the bottom board, which was still a screened board but I had a cover beneath it. I cleaned out the dead bees and switched to a solid board and rewrapped the hive (the top small entrance and the bottom reduced entrance were both freely accessible). The hive was probably 20%? total of what it was in the fall. After the big snows and colder temps it wasn't until April that I opened the hive on a warmer day and being concerned there was no activity from the hive. I did a quick inspection only to find no life and still very much honey. The top was full and completely untouched. I still have the hive intact and will do a more thorough inspection when I can. Sad to lose this one as the queen was doing such a good job last year with a very tight brood pattern and I thought the hive had a good chance of making it.</P> </blockquote><br>
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