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Reply to: I have an Oxalic acid vaporizer/sublimator iron available to loan and some wooden ware (hives) for someone in need.
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Richard Turner wrote:</strong> <P>Hey Bend area Bee Keepers. I picked up an Oxalic acid vaporizer this spring and have treated my hives (which are exploding!). If anyone needs to borrow a vaporizer I have one available to loan, I could probably provide Oxalic acid as well as my container will last for years. All you would need is a car battery and any safety equipment that you may choose to use. The treatment schedule is basically once a week for 3 weeks, total of 3 treatments (as I understand it).</P> <P><BR></P> <P>Also, I made a few 8 frame Langstroth supers a couple of years ago in medium and tall depthsand have a few extra so If anybody needs an 8 frame super or two I may have a couple that I could pass along (cheap). And/or, if some new Bee keeper just received their nuc or box-o-bees and don't have all their woodenware together I can set you up with everything from screened bottom board to super and hive cover.</P> <P><BR></P> <P>Feel free to respond here or call (541) 306-00 four O</P> <P><BR></P> <P>Richard</P> </blockquote><br>
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