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Reply to: Is February to early for Oxalic acid treatment for mites?
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Richard Turner wrote:</strong> <P>Hey all, I was just wondering if during this unseasonably warm weather here in Central Oregon if it would be to early to do an Oxalic Acid sublimation to treat for Varroa? I am under the impression that it is not to early and intend to do a treatment on my 2 surviving hives on the next day it cracks over 50 degrees.</P> <P><BR></P> <P>Last year I did an OA sublimation during a similar early season warm spell and I had very low mite counts throughout the summer so I'm personally under the impression that it is a good idea but are there any reasons not to???</P> <P><BR></P> <P>So Far, 2 of 3 hives are still going strong, plenty of bees and good food stores. The one hive which has not survived was my weakest going into the winter and I think they just starved out. There was still honey in the edges of many frames and a couple of nearly full frames but not right where the main body of bees was (Damn!). </P> </blockquote><br>
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