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Reply to: Is February to early for Oxalic acid treatment for mites?
<blockquote><strong class="quote">Richard Turner wrote:</strong> <P>Hi Allen, I haven't done a follow up mite count but it's on the to do list. We got back into some cooler weather and I didn't want to open the hives enough to get an appropriate sample. The weather is now warm enough so I'll be getting to that in the next few days. I did pull 2 frames of eggs and larvae from the stronger hive and donated it to the weaker hive right after the final OA treatment to give the weaker hive a boost and I have since added another full depth super to the stronger hive as it was filling up with bees (again) and I wanted to hopefully decrease their urge to start swarming. I also popped in a few frames of foundation with hopes that when this first nectar flow starts they will start pulling wax and some of my frames are getting ready to be retired. I didn't see any swarm or succession cells but have seen a little bit of capped drone brood but no hatched drones yet. I have been feeding 1:1 sugar syrup for about 3 weeks as the one queen was in full on laying mode already. A pint of syrup has been lasting 3-4 days until just recently, just in the last couple of days both hives have started going through a pint a day. I'll probably keep up the feeding for another week and by then there should be something blooming in enough quantity for the bees. I also added a pollen patty to each hive about 4 days ago.</P> </blockquote><br>
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