Join us for our 2016 COBKA Bee School!

This year's Bee School will be held at the Central Oregon Community College and will feature our COBKA Beekeeping 101 class as well as lectures from regional COBKA mentors on topics including but not limited to:
- Equipment
- Hive types
- Bee Suits
- Tools
- Installing bees into a hive
- Hive management
- Reading the frame
- Pest control
This event is structured to provide attendees with all the information needed to begin beekeeping in Central Oregon. Our event booklet will include the information discussed during the event as well as handy local supplier contacts, advice on local plant varieties to encourage pollinators and much more.
We will have ample breaks between lectures to visit with mentors and see different types of hives and beekeeping supplies. There will be a lunch break with some snacks provided - please bring a sack lunch if you choose.
Further updates will be added soon as we are still adjusting the lecture schedule!
Registration for our 2016 Bee School is $25 for non-members and $5 for current COBKA members.
Non-member registration includes one year of COBKA membership.