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Oct. 8th COARC Saturday in the Apiary
08 Oct 2016
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OSU Central Oregon Ag Research Center
COARC Saturday in the Apiary
Please come and join us this Saturday morning to do the final check on the apiary’s 8 hives. Are they ready for winter? Do we need to do some combining? More feeding? Learn how to do a winter treatment with oxalic acid: we will do a demonstration with a “dummy” solution.
Participants in the Oregon Master Beekeeping Program - Apprentices
: Earn an education point! If you like to work on your seasonal checklist, please let Heike know ahead of time. - Journeys: Like to lead a group through one of the hives? Please, let Heike know ahead of time and you can earn service points!
Bring your hat/veil/gloves and water bottle. Plus a brown bag lunch if you have time afterwards to stay a little bit longer. We could discuss questions over lunch, if you like.
Heike Williams at
for details and notification of possible changes. This event is weather dependent. Looking forward to seeing you there!
“Saturday in the Apiary” is an opportunity to gather, visit, and learn more about beekeeping at OSU’s apiary in Madras. Beekeepers in the region whether or not currently in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program are invited to come and discuss hive management strategies for the month and get to know each other. This is a casual, loosely structured event intended to provide a learning experience in a relaxed setting. Please note: There will be one more Saturday in the Apiary this year, most likely in November. Naomi Price has generously agreed to lead it. She will notify everybody by email about the date. The event will give you the opportunity to determine if a colony may or may not need a winter treatment and how a treatment with an oxalic acid solution needs to be applied.
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