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COARC SUNDAY in the Apiary!
13 Aug 2017
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
OSU Central Oregon Ag Research Center
SUNDAY in the Apiary!
In the July workshop, we treated some of the colonies at the COARC apiary with Apiguard, Hopguard, MAQS or Apivar. I will share with you how many mites dropped the week after the treatments. Then we will go and repeat sugar rolls. Did mite levels drop? How about those colonies, which were not treated? Is it time to start feeding? May it be advisable to combine one of the smaller colonies with one of the nucs?
Participants in the Oregon Master Beekeeping Program
- Apprentices: Earn an education point! If you like to work on your seasonal checklist, please let Heike know ahead of time.
- Journeys: Like to lead a group through one of the hives? Please, let Heike know ahead of time and you can earn service points!
Bring your hat/veil/gloves and water bottle. Plus a brown bag lunch if you have time afterwards to stay a little bit longer. We could discuss questions over lunch, if you like.
*RSVP Heike Williams at
*required and necessary in case of notification of possible changes. Short notice okay (text 541-740-7877). Looking forward to seeing you there!
“Saturday in the Apiary” is a casual, loosely structured event intended to provide a learning experience in a relaxed setting. We perform hive inspections, discuss colony management strategies for the month, and implement them. Everyone who is comfortable being around live honey bees is welcome. You do not need to be a participant in the OMB Program to attend. You would need to bring your own gear. This is a free event.
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