COARC Saturday in the Apiary

FREE WORKSHOP! Registration Required 541-475-7107
“Saturday in the Apiary” is back! Many already know this event from the last three years. It is an opportunity to gather at the OSU’s apiary at the Central Oregon Ag Research Center in Madras. We perform hive inspections, discuss colony management strategies for the month, and implement them. It is a great opportunity to meet other beekeepers in the region and to gather hands-on experience. Everyone who is comfortable being around live honey bees is welcome. You would need to bring your own gear.
If outside temperature allows, we will inspect the colonies and check if they are queenright. Even if it a cold day we can check for colony strength and make sure that the bees have enough feed - the biggest concern this time of year.
Apprentices in the Oregon Master Beekeeping Program can earn education points. RSVP required. Please email Heike Williams at for details and notification of possible changes. This event is weather dependent. Remember to bring your hat/veil/gloves. Looking forward to seeing you!
FROM HEIKE 3/23/18:
Hello everyone,
There is snow in the forecast for tonight. Saturday is supposed to be fairly dry but chilly: a good opportunity to do a winter inspection. We will examine what can be observed from the outside of a hive, how to do a quick peak into a colony and how to do an emergency feeding.
Since the weather will be too cold to do in-depth hive inspections, there will be time to view the different types of hive configurations in the yard. We can go back inside and discuss pro and cons of each over a cup of coffee. I will have equipment on hand. Please bring your veil and bee supply catalogs, if you have any.
So, let’s meet rain or shine. Please RSVP if you plan to come. If you need to cancel because road conditions are too treacherous to drive tomorrow morning, please let me know by email or text me at 541-740-7877 by 10 am. Safety first!
Saturday in the Apiary
March 24, 2018 from 1 to 3 pm
OSU Central Oregon Ag Research Center
850 NW Dogwood Lane
Madras, OR 97741
Save the dates for upcoming Saturdays in the Apiary:
April 14, 2018 – time TBA
May 12, 2018 – 10 am to 12 pm