Continuing along with our goal of helping us all continue to improve our ways and means, we'll be discussing what did and didn't work for our bees and us during the 2020 season. In acknowledgement of the results of the poll about last year’s success and/or difficulties, for the meetings in February and March, we will be discussing what may have not gone as well as should have in our hives and what to do about it in the future. February 23, we will be having a group discussion about possible issues during the summer, spring and fall seasons last year that affected our hive health. Queen loss, varroa counts, failure to thrive, failure of installation, decimation by pest. Please bring questions, pictures and ideas so we can all learn. March 23, Dr. Ramesh Sagili will be talking to us about winter mortality, and hopefully the results of his Oxalic Acid research from last year. If you have dead out’s from this winter, BEFORE YOU CLEAN YOUR HIVE OUT, please send pictures of the conditions/carnage to . Ramesh also asks that you provide a short description/timeline of the hive: “Checked mites in Sept (15 %) treated with OA, population good. Rechecked in February on warm day with no activity and there were no bees to be seen (see pictures).” We hope you’re having a great winter, all things considered, and your bees and you are getting ready to start getting busy. Allen Engle We'll be continuing with the breakout room social period. When you sign in, you'll be provided with the prompt "join a breakout room". You may select any of these rooms, and talk with those there, or switch to another room until 7:10 when we'll all come back together for our usual meeting (will happen automatically) Please contact Allen Engle (541)420-0423 with questions or for clarifications. Beginners corner, starting at 6:30 pm
Meeting, starting at 7:00 pm
The Meeting ID is: 878 3497 6511
Password: 463685
Write them down. Use if requested by Zoom. You may or may not need it.
You can also do a trial before the meeting to familiarize yourself with Zoom. Click this link to try it out join a test meeting. If you do a test meeting make sure to exit it before joining the real meeting.