Need a Queen anybody have one?

  • 25 Sep 2017 5:09 PM
    Message # 5279164

    Richard Turner

    Heading into Fall and need to re-queen!

    On August 22-23rd I removed my Apivar strips which I had in hive for 45 days for mite treatment, I had tons of bees and brood and the bees were making lots of honey and gathering pollen. On Sept 6th I noticed very scattered brood patterns with very little overall brood in the hive and some (what appeared to be) old or empty succession cells which were very papery and friable so I destroyed them, but there were still lots of bees. This particular hive was somewhat more aggressive than my only other hive. On Sept 11 Kim from Back Yard Bees (great lady) came over to check my hives, we found a new queen (small body, no entourage yet) so Kim suggested I wait 2 weeks to let her start to lay as it appeared that my hive had re-queened itself... well it's 2 weeks later and while there are still plenty of bees in the hive, lots of honey and pollen, there are maybe 20 eggs scattered throughout the hive (not concentrated), no larvae, and no capped brood in the hive at al, I mean NONE. I didn't see my new Queen (I often don't find my queen) so I think if she's in there at all she's a dud and I need to re-queen1 Does anybody have a Queen or source for one?


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